Exploring gesture and line to create paintings, collages and stitched artwork.

Inspired by the natural world and the view of the valley from my home studio, I work in a variety of mediums to create work that considers the intersection of line within the environment and plays with layers of texture.

I work in a variety of mediums - acrylic, charcoal, thread and collage. I like to play with their properties. The fluidity of paint and the varying depth of charcoal are particular favourites at the moment.

Previously, my work has been more illustrative in style but I’m moving in a looser, more abstract direction. Using play and mark making exercises to develop a new visual language. Exciting.

I live in lovely Stroud and work from my little studio that sits at the top of our garden and looks over the valley. The view is incredible - I love watching the weather rolling in, the birds sweeping through the sky and the intersection of the crooked terraces. I often have a studio assistant with me in the form of either cat or dog. They’ve even been known to ‘help’ with drawings.